Bouquet Rose Spray Assorted
Brighten any space with our stunning Multicolored Spray Rose Bouquet, a vibrant arrangement of spray roses in a delightful mix of colors. Each bouquet features an assortment of hues, from soft pastels to vivid shades, creating a cheerful and eye-catching display. These charming spray roses are smaller than traditional roses, but they make up for it with their abundant blooms and delicate beauty.
To add an extra touch of warmth and sunshine, each bouquet includes a striking sunflower stem, standing tall among the roses. The bouquet is complemented with lush decorative greenery, enhancing the natural beauty and fullness of the arrangement.
Our skilled florists carefully select and arrange these beautiful flowers to ensure a balanced and harmonious bouquet. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet brings a touch of joy and elegance, whether it's for a birthday, anniversary, or just because.
Variety of Colors: Includes a mix of red, pink, yellow, white, and orange spray roses.
Sunflower Accent: A vibrant sunflower stem adds a unique and joyful element to the bouquet.
Decorative Greens: Includes a variety of lush greens that accentuate the beauty of the flowers.
Freshness Guaranteed: Handpicked and arranged to order, ensuring maximum freshness and longevity.
Eco-Friendly Packaging: Wrapped in sustainable materials for a beautiful and environmentally friendly presentation.
Personal Touch: Add a personalized message to make your gift extra special.
Care Instructions: To keep your bouquet looking fresh, trim the stems at a 45-degree angle and place them in fresh water. Change the water every two days and keep the bouquet away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.
Note: As each bouquet is uniquely handcrafted, the exact arrangement may vary slightly from the photo. Rest assured, every bouquet is designed with care and attention to detail.
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